Training Workshops and Supervision
Dr Martin offers a range of training workshops and professional development opportunities for a variety of organisations, including the corporate sector, education and health care organisations. Dr Martin also provides individualised and group supervision to psychologists.
Previous Workshops:
Positive Parenting Strategies
Managing Problematic Behaviours
Developing Resilience in Children
School Readiness
Protective Behaviours, Consent and Respectful Relationships Education
Preparing for the Teenage Years
Strategies to Help Students with Low Self Esteem
Strategies to Help Students with Bullying Behaviour
Strategies to Help Students with Symptoms of Anxiety and/or Depression
Strategies to Help Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Strategies to Help Students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Improving Employee Well-being and Burn Out Prevention
Employee Mental Health Training
Customised Training
Dr Martin provides customised training programs on a range of mental health care issues for organisations including the corporate sector, health and education settings.
Group training for health professionals
Group training for educators in preschools settings
Group training in primary and secondary schools
For more information about supervision and training please contact Tel +02 9713 7143 or contact